Grant Application

The mission of the Christmas Cheer Foundation is to help make the December Holiday Season a little brighter for those who need a helping hand. We do this by providing funds to local non-profit organizations whose efforts provide assistance and programs to disadvantaged individuals and families during the Christmas season.

We understand how time consuming it can be for non-profits and charities to apply for grants, so we have simplified the application and reporting process as much as possible.

As you can appreciate, the funds generated by Christmas Cheer are dependent upon the amount raised at the annual Christmas Cheer event; as a result, we cannot guarantee the amount of funding until after the event.

Grant eligibility:

Organizations must meet the following criteria:
  1. Conduct operations in the boundaries of the City of Ottawa.
  2. Operate as a charity and have a charitable registration number issued by the CRA.
  3. Provide food assistance during the December holiday season e.g., food hampers, gift cards to grocery stores or hosting a Christmas meal.


  1. The application process will close at midnight on August 31, each year.
  2. Organizations will be informed by September 30 if their application was successful.
  3. Funds will be distributed by December 15 each year when possible.

(Note: Following input boxes and buttons with * are mandatory fields)

Be specific and concise as possible. The information should include the name of the program; if you provided food hampers, gift cards; or hosted a Christmas Dinner/Event and the number of children, adults, seniors who benefited etc.

If you received funding last year and will be using them for the same programs this year as described above, just write ‘same as above’. If you did not received funds last year, please give a brief description of how they will be used, for example, provide food hampers to families, a Christmas dinner to seniors, etc.

e.g. Annual Report, organization web site, social media, notes included in food hampers etc.